OneCell Counter


 OneCell Counter is a low price plastic disposable cell counting plate which is easy operable and it is easy to count infection samples safely.

It is very easy to handle and very economical cell counting plate.


① Easy to handle (No needs of assemble and wash)
Already assembled the cover plate, therefore you do not need to set cover glass or wash it before you use.
Work efficiency is extremely high when use the OneCell Counter.

② Safe (Response to biohazard)
OneCell Counter is a low price, disposable plate, therefore researchrs can ensure their safety when handling infectious samples such as viral and bacterial.
It is also ideal for use with biosafety level 3 (BSL 3) that requires biohazard measures.

③ Easy to count (Simpl grid pattern)
Easy to count cells because of very simple grid pattern.
Thin lines are 6micron and bold lines are 14 micron.

<instruction Manual Here : Japanese only>

④ Gentle for eyes
The bottom of the cell counting part is smooth and the lines are convex portion which do not reflect light, so it is very gentle for eyes.
Also cells can be spread very smoothly.